June 29, 2021


Mahendra Prasad’, N.P. Rail and K. Tripathi

Considering the chronic nature and
complications of hepatitis and non
availability of its satisfactory treatment,
it is necessary to look for drugs from
indigenous system of medicine.
Accordingly Amrita (Tinospora cordifolia
(Willd.) Miers. has been taken up on 20
patients 0/ Kamala Raga (.Jaundice of
viral origin). The drug provided good
clinical relief as well as biochemical

Kamala in Ayurveda is derived from
“Kamam lati Hanti iti Kamala”. It mean
there is aversion for all desires in the
patient of this disease. This may be due to
the patients mental and physical
predominant symptoms seen in this

disease. Kamala has been described in all
important classics of Ayurveda such as
Caraka, Sushruta etc.

A mrita has been described in
Ayurveda as Pi tt aghna drug
predominantly leading to pacification of
Pitta Dosha which is chiefly involved in
Kamala. It is also described as Balya,
Vrishya, Ojovardhaka, Ayushya and in
the treatment of Jvara, Pandu, Kamala
etc. So the drug Amrita has been selected
for study in the treatment of Kamala Roga
or jaundice of infective or viral origin.

Materials and Methods

This research work was performed in
20 cases of Kamala Roga. The indigenous
dmgAmrita was selected for the treatment.

All the cases were registered from Aug.
1995toNov. 1996in S.S. Hospital B.H.U.,

Patients for this clinical study were
selected, who presented themselves with
loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting,
yellowish urination and sclera gradually
mcreasmg weakness, abdominal
discomfort and tenderness in hepatic area.
Clinical presentation was studied in detail.
Clinical study was done only in those
patients whose liver function tests were
found abnonna!. Detailed clinical history
and physical findings were recorded and
the patients wen; investigated accordingly
(Table I & II).

In the present study all the selected 20
patients were both males and females of
varying age group coming to out patient
department as well as admitted in
Kayachikitsa ward of S.S. Hospital,
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.

Diagnosis of Kamala

All the patients of Kamala Roga were
selected and diagnosed as viral hepatitis
or Kosthashakhashrita Kamala after
history taking care, physical examination
and biochemical investigations.
Ayurvedic diagnosis was based on
classical reference (Carak, Chikitsa -16).
The investigations performed in all 20
cases were serum bilirubin, alkaline
phosphatase, AST, ALT and HBsAg.
Selection of drug

1995toNov. 1996in S.S. Hospital B.H.U.,
Patients for this clinical study were
selected, who presented themselves with
loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting,
yellowish urination and sclera gradually
mcreasmg weakness, abdominal
discomfort and tenderness in hepatic area.
Clinical presentation was studied in detail.
Clinical study was done only in those
patients whose liver function tests were
found abnonna!. Detailed clinical history
and physical findings were recorded and
the patients wen; investigated accordingly
(Table I & II).
In the present study all the selected 20
patients were both males and females of
varying age group coming to out patient
department as well as admitted in
Kayachikitsa ward of S.S. Hospital,
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.
Diagnosis of Kamala
All the patients of Kamala Roga were
selected and diagnosed as viral hepatitis
or Kosthashakhashrita Kamala after
history taking care, physical examination
and biochemical investigations.
Ayurvedic diagnosis was based on
classical reference (Carak, Chikitsa -16).
The investigations performed in all 20
cases were serum bilirubin, alkaline
phosphatase, AST, ALT and HBsAg.
Selection of drug
Drug Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.)
Miers. was selected on the basis of
previous observations and textual
references. It is freshly available every
where and cheaper than other drugs.

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