June 26, 2021

Aclinical study on the role of Brihat Dashamoola Taila Nasya
and Laghu Sutashekhara Rasa in the management of
Ardhavabhedaka w.s.r. to Migraine

Institute for Post Graduate Teaching and Research in Ayurveda, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar.

ABSTRACT: Migraine is one of the common causes of recurrent headaches.According to IHS, Migraine constitutes
16% of the primary headache and affects 10-20% of the general population. The diagnosis is mainly based on
clinical history. Moreover, unilateral headache with paroxysmal nature is the only symptom mentioned for the
disease Ardhavabhedaka by ancient scientists. Ardhavabhedaka has been explained as Tridoshaja by Acharya
Sushruta, Vata-Kaphaja by Charaka and Vataja by Vagbhatta. But the different quality of pain such as Toda, Bheda,
etc. describes the Vishama nature of Vata dosha. A study in 2002 that analyzed over 800,000 cases of migraine
reported that most migraines are not treated according to any expert recommendations or accepted evidence. Our
Acharyas have mentioned Nasya Therapy as the master key for all urdhavajatrugata vikaras. Considering all such
things the present study was selected, in which total 44 patients were registered and were randomly divided into
two groups. In group A, Laghu Sutashekhara Rasa & group B, Brihat Dashamoola Taila Nasya along with Laghu
Sutashekhara Rasa was given for 6 weeks. In groupA& in group B, maximum number of patients i.e., 35% & 52.94%
respectively showed marked improvement.
Key words: Ardhavabhedaka, Migraine, Brihat Dashamoola Taila, Laghu Sutashekhara Rasa]


According to IHS, Migraine is the most common neurovascular headache, which constitutes 16% of the primary headache and affects 10-20% of the general
population. Hence WHO ranks Migraine among the World’s most disabling medical illness. 13 Ardhavabhedaka can be scientifically correlated with
Migraine due to its cardinal feature ‘half sided headache’which is also explained by commentator Chakrapani as Ardha Mastaka Vedana1 and also due to its paroxysmal nature. Ardhavabhedaka has been explained as Tridoshaja by Acharya Sushruta3 , Vata-Kaphaja by Charaka2 and Vataja by Vagbhatta7
. The various types of pain explained by different Acharyas suggest the Vishama nature of Vata dosha. Moreover, the symptoms nausea, vomiting and giddiness are also seen, which shows the involvement of Pitta dosha, which can be explained as under:

  • Vomiting & burning sensation symptoms are seen when Prana Vayu combines with Pitta.
  • Udana Vayu with Pitta results in murchha, daha,bhrama and klama.
  • The symptom bhrama is due to Rajoguna and PittaVata dosha involvement.

The modern drugs are not acceptable due to their drawbacks – drug dependence, drug withdrawal syndrome,
relapse of headache within hours and chances of getting chronic headache.13 In Ayurveda Nasya Therapy is
considered as master key for all urdhavajatrugata vikaras.Hence Brihat Dashamoola Taila Nasya has been selected from Bhaisajya Ratnavali Shiro-roga adhikara8
The compound drug selected for the study “Laghu Sutashekhara Rasa” is described in Rasa Tarangini9,
which is having digestive, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory

Aims and Objectives:

1) To study the etiopathogenesis of Ardhavabhedaka –
Migraine from Ayurvedic and modern point of view.
2) To evaluate the efficacy of Laghu Sutashekhara
Rasa alone in the management of Ardhavabhedaka.
3) To assess the efficacy of Brihat Dashamoola Taila
Nasya with Laghu Sutashekhara


Source of data – Patients of Ardhavabhedaka (Migraine) fulfilling the inclusion criteria attending OPD
of Shalakya, IPGT & RA, GAU, Jamnagar were selected.
A detailed performa was prepared incorporating Ayurvedic and modern points of Ardhavabhedaka
AYU-VOL. 30, NO. 1 (JAN.-MAR.) 2009, pp 29-33 29 (Migraine). An assessment was made on change in
clinical feature before and after treatment. The scoring was given to each symptom ranging from 0 – 4.

Inclusion criteria :
Patients between the age group of 16 to 60 years having recurrent attacks of headache, mostly unilateral
in site, variable in intensity, frequency and duration with or without nausea, vomiting, aura and GI tract symptoms
were included in the present study.

Exclusion criteria :
Patients suffering from sinusitis, hypertension, and fever, secondary headache caused by meningitis,
tumor, encephalitis, cervical spondylitis and refractive errors; also patients using any other systemic drugs which
may alter the results of the study were excluded.

Ethical clearance :
The study was cleared by the ethical committee of the institute. Written consent was taken from each patient willing to participate before the start of the
study. Patients were free to withdraw their name from the study at any time without giving any reason.

Grouping of Patients :
Total 44 patients were registered from the O.P.D. of
Dept. of Shalakya of I.P.G.T. & R.A., Gujarat Ayurveda
University, Jamnagar hospital and randomly divided into
2 groups.

Group A : Laghu Sutashekhara Rasa (LSR group)
Group B : Brihat Dashamoola Taila and Laghu
Sutashekhara Rasa (CG group)
LSR Dose : 500 mg twice a day.
Nasya Dose : 4-8 drops in each nostril, 3 sittings of 7
days each with 1 week gap (alternate
Duration : 6 weeks
Follow Up : 2 months

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