June 28, 2021

A Comparative Study on Role ofShirodhara &Jatamamsi In
The Management of “Vatika Shirah Shoola” W.S.R. To
“Tension Head Ache”

“Dr. Sushanta Kumar Sahoo, **Prof Ajay Kumar Sharma


Vatika Shirahshoola (Tension Head ache) is most common type of primary headache accounting 90%
of all headaches and approximately 3% of the population suffer from chronic tension headache. It is produced
due to contraction of the muscles of head & neck & psychological factors like stress and strain aggravates
the condition.The incidence is more in the youngsters, computer operators, jwellerry workers. Total 43
diagnosed cases of Vatika Shirahshoola (Tension Headache) were selected for the present research work &
divided into three groups. The patients of group-I were treated with Shirodhara with Dashamula Taila,
patients of group-II were treated with Jatamamsi powder orally and patients of group – III were treated
with tab. Amytryptiline orally. The trial drug Dashamula Taila and procedure Shirodhara showed highly
significant reduction in symptoms like Ghata Sambidhyate(Cutting type of pain in posterior aspect of neck),
Stavyate cha shirodhara(Tightness of muscles of neck), Sirah Sphurana (Pulsatile Veins in Head), Prakash
Asahata (Photophobia) etc. in comparison to other two groups. Thus Shirodhara with Dashamula Taila is
effective in the management of the Vatika Shirahshoola (Tension Headache).

Key Words : Vatika Shirahshoola, Shirodhara, Dashamula Taila, Tension Headache.


Today the people of modern civilization have
absolutely changed the concepts of diet, Dinacharya,
Ritucharya, sleeping pattern and everything of their
life styles leading to various disagreeable acute and
chronic ailments. Due to frequent indulgence in
Mithya Aahara, Vihara and Pragyaparadha the
incidence of various psychosomatic disorders are
increasing very rapidly. Tension Headache is one of
the frustrating acute / chronic illnesses, which is
widespread in the population with varying severity.
Headache is one of the most common
medical complaints of humankind. Headache itself is
manifested as a disease as well as a symptom.
Headache sufferers are the main purchasers of the
16,000 tones of Aspirin, much of the
Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, & sinus medications
consumed yearly in United States’. Headache is a
leading cause of absence from work & accounts for
loss of 150 million work days per year in United
States only. The cost of lost labour hours is
estimated to be as high as 17 billion dollars per year.
Among different types of headache, Tension type
head ache, one of the primary headaches is found in
more number of people in normal life. Though the
etiology is not clear, it is postulated that contraction
of the muscles of head and neck, some neurological
disturbances causes this type of headache and
psychological factors like anxiety, stress aggravate
the condition. Hence persons having occupations like
Computer operators, Official clerks, Bank employees
etc. are mainly prone to suffer from this disorder.

Need of the study:

For the management of the disease
analgesics, NSAIDs, Opoid derivatives, anti
nauseating drugs are used in modern medicine. But
these drugs on long term use cause severe adverse
effects. Asprin & NSAID can interfere with blood

clotting; Acetaminophen containing preparations if
taken in sufficient quantity may cause liver
dysfunction’, Opoid derivatives may develop drug
dependence. The more common side effect on long
term use of these drugs is that they develop Rebound
Headache / Analgesic Headache. Hence nowadays
more emphasis is given on physiotherapy (with
muscle relaxation and stress management) rather
than the use of analgesics for the management of the
condition. Hence to avoid the adverse effects, efforts
have been made to develop an approach which is
safe, effective and cost effective treatment modality
for the management of the disease Vatika
Shirahshoola (Tension Headache).

Material and Methods:.

  1. Study Design : It is a randomized controlled
    single blind study. The data obtained after clinical
    study were analyzed with the help of Paired “t’ test.
  2. Selection of Cases : The study was conducted
    in 47 clinically diagnosed patients of Vatika Shirah
    Shoola(Tension headache) out of which 4 patients
    discontinued the treatment and the rest 43 patients
    completed the treatment. The patients were selected
    from the OPD & IPD of NIA Hospital, Jaipur and
    Neurology Deptt. of SMS hospital, Jaipur as per the
    selection criteria. All the patients were randomly
    divided into following three groups.

Patients of Group I were treated with Shirodhara
by Dashamoola Taila.

  1. Patients of Group II were treated with
    Jatamamasi powder in capsule form.
  2. Patients of Group III were treated with the
    control drug (Tab Amitryptiline).
    Follow up was done on every 15th day up to
    one month after completion of the therapy in all the

Individuals of either sex within the age group
of 20 – 50 years having the history of both Episodic
and Chronic type Tension Headache were selected


1) Individuals below 20 yrs & above 50 yrs of age.
2) Patients associated with other major systemic or
psychiatric diseases.
3) Headache due to other major causes like
Migraine, Trigeminal neuralgia, Intracranial
space occupying lesions and other systemic
diseases such as Hypertension, Refractive errors
4) Patients having increased Intracranial Tension
due to any reason.

Selection of the Drugs

Dashamula Taila due to its Vata Shamaka
property and Shirodhara for stress management
and muscle relaxation were selected in the
present study.

Jatamamsi due to its Nidrajanana and Medhya
properties was selected.

For the control drug Tab. Amytriptiline was
selected due to its effectiveness and cost effective
point of view.

Pre treatment Observation : All the patients were
studied along with the registration by noting
down their demographic profile like age, sex,
occupation, education, socioeconomical status,
addictions, dietary habits etc. Detailed Physical,
General and Systemic examinations were

performed. During this all other relevant
informations like Astavidha Pariksha,
Dashavidha Pariksha including assessment of
Sharirika Prakrit was done as per textual

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