July 8, 2021

A comparative study of Kaishora Guggulu and Amrita Guggulu in the management of Utthana Vatarakta

Anju P. Ramachandran, PhD,1 Shyam M. Prasad,1 U. N. Prasad,2 and S. Jonah3


Ayurvedic texts judge Vata as the most significant in the midst of the tridoshas, due to its six-fold distinguishing features like spreading, quick action, vigor, capability to vitiate other doshas, autonomy, and the power to create the maximum number of diseases.[1] At the same time, it is also assumed that the life of living beings absolutely depends on Rakta.[2Vatarakta is an illness where both vata and rakta are afflicted by distinct etiological factors.[3] The occurrence of Vatarakta is also possible when the customary gati of the vata is hindered by the morbid kapha dosha and medas.[4]

The status of Utthana vatarakta is often compared with the atherosclerotic ischemic limb disease in the allied sciences due to the outstanding similarities. Atherosclerosis is a generalized phenomenon that can occur in any of the large- to medium-sized arteries. Atherosclerosis habitually does not present with any symptom until it brutally narrows an artery or blocks it completely. The type of artery and the location of the plaque vary from person to person. If either happens and blocks a blood vessel that feeds the heart, it can result in a heart attack. If it blocks the blood vessel that supplies blood to the brain, it results in a stroke. Furthermore, if the blood supply to the extremities is reduced, it can cause a complexity in walking and ultimately lead to gangrene. Peripheral arterial disease can impair physical health and diminish the ability to walk. If left untreated, it is the leading cause of foot or leg amputation. A person with peripheral arterial disease has six to seven times greater risk of death from coronary artery disease, heart attack, and stroke than the rest of the population.[5]

The same thought has been highlighted in Ayurvedic literature under the designation of Margavarana. It is a widespread observable fact that ends up in a variety of disorders based on the site of the affliction. A reference of Margavarana involved in the pathogenesis is accessible in the contexts of Hridroga, Gulma, Vatavyadhi, Vatarakta, and so on. When the process of Margavarana takes place in the rakta marga due to the abnormal and excessive accumulation of morbid kapha and medas in the srotas, it ends up in the manifestation of Vatarakta.

Review of previous works done

Close to 37 studies have been conducted all over India on Vatarakta.[69] An analysis reveals that most of the studies were carried out by considering Vatarakta as gouty arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. Very few studies have been performed considering Vatarakta as an ischemic limb. Even after the towering prevalence of the disease in the present population, very few research studies have been conducted in this regard, which mainly deal with the outcome of the Shodhana therapies. However, the results of these small numbers of studies are extremely promising.

As it is an Avaranajanya Vyadhi, different preparations with drugs having Srothosudhikaraka and Vyadhi Hara Rasayana-properties like Guggulu are exclusively indicated in the management of Vatarakta. The herbal preparations like Kaishora guggulu and Amrita guggulu, consisting mainly of ingredients like Guggulu (Commiphora mukul), Triphala (Terminalia chebula Retz, Terminalia bellerica, Emblica officinalis), Gudoochi (Tinospora cordifolia),[10] and so on, are said to be useful in curing the illness.[11]

Thus, getting immensely inspired by the above-mentioned data, the present study was carried out with a target to hit upon a better efficacious Shamana Oushada in stipulation of Margavarana Janya Vatarakta.

Aims and Objectives

To evaluate and compare the efficacy of Kaishora guggulu and Amrita guggulu in patients suffering from Utthana Vatarakta.

Materials and Methods
Source of the data

The patients who attended the OPD and IPD of the S.D.M. Ayurveda Hospital, Kuthpady, Udupi, Karnataka, during the period of September 2006 to August 2007, with signs and symptoms of Utthana Vatarakta, were screened. Among these, 30 patients who fulfilled the criteria of inclusion, mentioned a little later in the text, were included in the study. The selected patients were randomly categorized into two groups, with each group consisting of 15 patients.

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